Seamless steel tubes with hollow cross-section, a large number of used transmission fluid pipe, such as the transportationof oil, gas, gas, water and some solid materials, pipes, etc.. Such as steel pipe and round bar of solid steel compared to the same torsional strength in bending, lighter, is an economic cross-section steel, widely used in the manufacture of structuralparts and mechanical parts, such as drill pipe, automotive transmission, bicycles frame construction using steel scaffolding with steel pipe manufacturing annular parts, can improve material utilization, simplify the manufacturing process, saving material andmachining time, such as rolling bearing rings, jack, etc., has been widely manufactured steel pipe. Steel pipe or a variety ofconventional weapons, an indispensable material, barrel, barrel must be steel pipe manufacturing. The steel pipe according tothe different cross-sectional area shape can be divided into tube and Yixingguan. More fluid can be transported under the sameconditions in the perimeter area of a circle, with a round tube. In addition, the ring cross section to withstand internal or externalradial pressure force is more uniform, so the vast majority of steel pipe is a tube.
However, the tube also has some limitations, under the conditions of the plane bending, the tube is not as good as square,rectangular tube bending strength, on the common side of farm machinery skeleton, steel and wood furniture, rectangular tube.According to different uses, should also have other cross-section shape of the shaped pipe.
The use of seamless steel pipes
time:2017-03-07 14:50:31 hits:second
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